Dec 29, 2006


is the amount of days I have been here on earth! I am in my late twenties! UGH it hurts to write that. One of my biggest fears is growing old.. silly right? I am thankful for all 9,855 days and looking forward for the next 365 days in 2007.

I want to thank my Mom & Dad, my family and friends for supplying me with unconditional love, I am one lucky girl. I want to thank the lord above for his undying love and for my health, even though I am not in the best of shape at the moment; I am healthy and will be thriving to become a healthier person.

My Son who has made the past 2 and a half years of my life so full love, laughter and meaning, seriously there is no other pleasure than watching your child blossom. I am so grateful for him.

My Husband who loves and does so much for me all with good intentions. I love you, you are my friend, my love, my partner- and yes we argue but it wouldn't be the same if we didn't.

My Family & Friends,

You make my heart grow three sizes big each day. All the Carrizo's, Polonia's, Lopez's, Duran's, Pillado's- I LOVE YOU!!!

My Sisters - Carol, Nathaly & Janice - I love you girls sooo much your support and love for me is irreplaceable.

Samantha- I am at a lost for words, you are my rock, my confidant, thank you.

My Boo's y'all know who you are (E, P, K, D, A, J & J) - LAUGHTER - I get enough of it when you are all around me! Love you Ladies!! (initials in no particular order).

My Mother in Law- She does so much for me, she supplies my son with TLC everyday, I couldn't ask for more. She doesn't complain- just gives and gives- She's incredible

It's has been a great year!! Let 2007 come with more happiness and health!

Here's to my 27th B-Day!!

Happy B-Day to ME!!

Dec 28, 2006

X-Mas is over...

X-Mas was great the kids had a blast! This was the first year that Daniel grasped what was going on. He got so many toys as did my nephews and niece! Very spoiled I can't believe how spoiled he is!

I got a bunch of stuff for my scrapbooking studio!! YAH!! I can't wait to assemble it all.

Of course we had tons of food on the 24th, all of Danny's family was there and it was actually the quietest X-Mas Eve ever! Danny had to work the next day so he went to bed early and it seemed like no one had energy to dance after we opened all the gifts.

Again I had tons of food on the 25th! My mom cooked so much, I love breakfast on the 25th my mom makes arepas con queso and chorizo with a huge mug of hot chocolate it's the BEST!!! my mom's house this year was packed all of my uncles and my aunts and grandma went, it was nice to see my mom's siblings and also nice to see my cousins, especially Eric who came with his girlfriend! My son was so happy he hugged everyone and said thank you to each person after opened his gifts.

I also headed to see my boo's for our annual Secret Santa! I was there for only a little while but it was nice to see all of my girls at x-mas!

Tomorrow is my b-day nothing planned as yet-my gift from Danny is a gym membership (not as fun as last year's gift) 2007 is the year I get back into shape.

I know I know pics are missing!! I will post X-Mas pics soon and I will also do a 2006 photo recap!

Dec 13, 2006

One Year Blogiversary

WOW.. It totally slipped my mind! I have been a blogger for a full year and 11 days!

I know I am not a very active blogger but I have enjoyed posting little tid bits of my life and I have really enjoyed reading your comments!

I think I will make a new years resolution to blog a bit more often..

Thanks for reading my blog and please post a comment once in a while!